Spiritual intelligence aim is to define the main determinants of leadership – what qualities, skills, behavior, capacity or other aspects help the leader to emerge and survive, in other words, ensure the long-term impact on the opportunity. The work carried out in the business and scientific literature, which discusses the theme of the SQ, and it presented empirical research analysis.
Spiritual intelligence – the most important of all kinds of intelligence, as determined by the other three. It reflects the human quest for the meaning of life and connection with eternity. Spiritual intelligence also helps to distinguish the true principles of our conscience. Four kinds of manifestations of intellect: mental – vision, physical – discipline, emotional – enthusiasm and spirit – conscience. This is our vocation, finding meaning (Stephen R. Covey, 2007).
Each of these skills has been described in five levels of skill proficiency. Level 0 is implied, and means that the person has not begun to develop that skill. Level 5 is the highest level we measure with our online self-assessment. No skill or level is considered “required.” And even at Level 5 a person is not considered “finished” as there is always room to grow.
Dr. VE Frankl’io view, the spiritual dimension is specifically human person is unique in that it is expressed in knowledge, especially in values and therefore make sense knowledge. Knowing the values of man “coming out” of themselves and their aims.
According to Stephen R. Covey (2007), a simple law of life looks like this: full man (his body, mind, heart and spirit) with four basic needs (to live, to love and leave pėdasaką), four types of intelligence or ability ( physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) and expression (discipline, vision, passion and conscience) and the four dimensions of vocation (need, talent, passion and conscience).
I define Spiritual Intelligence as “The Ability to behave with compassion and Wisdom while Maintaining inner and outer peace (equanimity) Regardless of the Circumstances. “Compassion and Wisdom together form the manifestation of Love. “Behave” Because it is important focuse on how well we Maintain our downtown, stay calm, and actualy treat others with compassion and wisdom. The Statement of “Regardless of the Circumstances” That shows we can Maintain our peaceful and loving center Behaviors Even under great stress.
Respecting, capacity building, connecting and combining these intelligences and their expressions are experiencing the synergy that ignites the fire within us and help to find his calling. This means that a vocation is closely linked with the talent (natural gifts and powers), enthusiasm (what naturally provides energy excites, stimulates and inspires) need (what the world needs so that it is ready for reward) and conscience (silent an inner voice, calling on the deal and work correctly). And if the job (profession, community or family) awakens talent and enthusiasm inflame meet the world’s needs, which answer calls conscience – this is the vocation, the secret of your soul source discovery (Stephen R. Covey, 2007).
Finally, the development of Spiritual Intelligence will not only benefit individuals, it will also benefit their families, communities, and the companies they work for. This will hopefully lead to support for individual and group SQ growth – creating more meaningful work, improved products and services, and ensuring responsible corporate behavior.