Best NAS For Plex in 2021

NAS for plex server is a form of external memory or storage that connects to a network or plex server rather than connecting to a single PC like a normal hard disk. The benefit over a hard drive is that it can be accessed from different devices within a network and multiple users can use … Read more

Feeling Depressed? Simple recommendations on how to protect your psyche from the negative effects of quarantine

Feeling depressed global pandemic featured

Start of the Unknown At the end of 2019 we started to hear some news about a new virus abroad. For a lot of people it looked like fictive news. Some folks go straight in conspirasie theories and till now do not believe in this virus with was named – COVID – 19. At the … Read more

People Want to Use Valentine’s Day to Show Appreciation to Partners, Friends, Kids, and Pets

According to a new survey, four in five Americans are genuinely excited about Valentine’s Day—perhaps even more so than Christmas. A poll of 2,000 Americans found that this Hallmark holiday tops the charts for Americans, with 81% saying they get excited about February 14, while just 68% say they get excited about the December holiday […]

Rather Than Slip into Depression, Man Quits Job, Sells Possessions, and Travels the World With a Ferret

Despite enduring a string of heartbreaking losses in the same year, this former airman has transformed his life for the better—and he did it by quitting his job, selling all of his possessions, and traveling the world with his pet ferret. 25-year-old Charlie Hammerton was determined to change his life after he was left grieving […]

New Study Finds Lungs ‘Magically’ Repair Themselves After Quitting Smoking, No Matter the Age

This “exciting” new study says that protective cells in the lungs of ex-smokers could explain why quitting smoking dramatically reduces the risk of developing lung cancer. Cancer Research UK-funded researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and UCL have discovered that compared to current smokers, people who had stopped smoking had more genetically healthy lung cells, […]