Smell of Roses, Even During Sleep, Shown to Help Improve Learning Success by as Much as 30%

Effortless learning during sleep is the dream of many people—but the smell of roses may actually be the key to making that dream a reality. According to an extensive new laboratory sleep study, German researchers found that smells have a very supportive effect on learning success when presented both during learning and sleep. Researchers at […]

More Cities Install ‘Rain Gardens’ to Filter Pollution

Rainwater runoff is notorious for polluting urban waterways by sweeping up all the chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, and automotive oils that sully dense metropolitan areas. Thankfully, cities across the west coast of the United States are rapidly applying a simple new method for combatting rainwater runoff: gardens. These aptly-named “Rain Gardens” (also known as […]

Food waste falls by 7% per person in three years

The UK is making significant steps in reducing its food waste, with total food waste levels falling by 480,000 tonnes between 2015 and 2018 – a 7% reduction per person and equivalent of filling London’s Royal Albert Hall ten times. The new data comes from sustainability not-for-profit WRAP’s latest Courtauld Commitment 2025 milestone report, which sets […]

Sleep well, live happy

Sleep positions

The overall consensus from sleep experts is that our sleep quality is based on the amount of sleep we get, and in which position we sleep. The back pain may be caused or exacerbated by the way you sleep. “Everyone has an individual need to sleep and if you are not able to meet your … Read more

Habits for healthy lifestyle

The most frustrating thing about building habits and about self-development in general is this idea, that inspiration doesn‘t always correlate to change. So, it doesn‘t matter how motivated or inspired you are, it doesn‘t mean, that you actually going to change that aspect of your life. We should start thinking long-term and not trying to … Read more